The Unexpected

My sister Taty was born with a heart condition. The doctors told my mother that she wouldn’t make it past one and even if she had a shot at living she would be in and out of the hospital but my mom wanted to give her a chance to experience the real world. My mom…

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The Unexpected

As we began to get closer to the campsite, I started to notice the trails along the grass and I thought to myself “I wish Taty could see this”. I began to doze off but as soon as my eyes shut  “WE’RE HERE” my mom yells!  Getting out of the car I noticed that my…

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Who shot Megan Thee Stallion

On July 12th, 2020, the world was shocked to find out that well known rapper Megan the Stallion was shot leaving a function with her best friend and then rapper-boyfriend Tory Lanez. In the months that followed, there have been conflicting reports, court petitions, and social media arguments that make the situation hard to unravel,…

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Team Bonding

As someone who plays and talks about volleyball, it can still be a difficult sport to play. How hard could it be playing volleyball? Learning how to play volleyball can come with many different techniques and communication skills.  As a volleyball player most of your games are based on teamwork and communication. When playing volleyball,…

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