As someone who plays and talks about volleyball, it can still be a difficult sport to play. How hard could it be playing volleyball? Learning how to play volleyball can come with many different techniques and communication skills. 

As a volleyball player most of your games are based on teamwork and communication. When playing volleyball, communication is key! You have to communicate about where to get the ball, where the ball is going? How to get it over the net? If it’s going to make it over the net?  To answer all these questions you have to talk to your teammates and to be able to talk to your teammates you need to develop a system of trust. 

Trust is something you need to have with your team, I say this because if you don’t trust your teammates you don’t trust the decisions they would have to make if they get the ball. If you don’t trust your teammates you start to doubt them and what they can do, and that negativity is felt on the court. If you don’t trust your teammate you don’t trust the game. and that’s why trust is needed. A bond isn’t needed between you and your teammates but having one is nice. You don’t have to have a bond to trust them; Some even can have a bond and not trust them but having a bond with your whole team is a joy. When bonding with your team you can also motivate yourself to do better. Because, when you lose a game you don’t lose by yourself, you lose as a team. The same goes for winning, when winning a game you didn’t win by yourself, you won as a team. This was something that I had to learn before I became the volleyball player that I am today. 

When i first started playing volleyball, I was nervous and I felt like i couldn’ t do it and Volleyball just wasn’t right for me. 

 I wanted to give up. However, my teammates would teach me and correct me on the things I did wrong so that I could become a better player .I took that advice and in about two weeks I corrected what I did wrong and became an average player. There was one specific time that  we were at a game, and all of us just weren’t feeling it. But then our captain gave us a speech and told us to just go out there and have fun and that’s what we did! We lost by one point but we did have fun and that was a good thing.

Volleyball is definitely a challenging sport but the memories you make and the friends you make are fun. And if you’re not having fun on the court then you’re not doing it right.

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